How to avoid odor when using a compost turning machine for composting?

During the composting process, the generation of odor not only affects the surrounding environment, but may also affect the quality of the compost. When using a compost turning machine for composting, odor can be avoided in the following ways.

Control composting raw materials

  1. Adjust the carbon-nitrogen ratio: Generally speaking, the carbon-nitrogen ratio in compost should be between 25:1 and 30:1. If the nitrogen ratio is too high, it will cause the pile to volatilize ammonia and other odorous gases. It will also cause microorganisms to be overactive, the pile cannot keep up with the oxygen supply, anaerobic reactions will occur, and harmful substances will be produced. The carbon-nitrogen ratio can be increased by adding high-carbon conditioners such as sawdust, wood chips, straw, etc.
  2. Choose high-quality raw materials: Try to choose fresh, unrotten organic materials for composting, and avoid using raw materials that have already produced odor.

Adjust composting conditions

  1. Control humidity: During composting, the humidity of the material should be kept within a certain range. Excessive humidity will accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and increase odor. If the humidity is too low, the decomposition speed will be slowed down, making the compost ferment slowly. You can adjust the moisture by adding dry conditioners, and if the compost is partially too wet, you can remix the compost.
  2. Ensure ventilation: Ventilation conditions are crucial for odor control during the composting process. Ensure that there is no accumulation of debris around the composting site and maintain air circulation. During the composting process, use a compost turning machine to turn the compost so that the material is fully in contact with the air and reduce the generation of an anaerobic environment.
  3. Control the temperature: During the composting process, the temperature should be adjusted reasonably. Too high a temperature will accelerate the volatilization of odor, and too low a temperature will cause aerobic bacteria to fail to play a role in time and produce odor.

Add microbial agents

Some special deodorizing microbial agents can decompose odor-producing substances. At the beginning of composting, mix the agents with the materials thoroughly. These agents can work collaborativelly with the microorganisms in the compost to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter and reduce the emission of odor.

In short, when using a compost turning machine for composting, starting from material ratio, humidity control, ventilation and the use of microbial agents can effectively avoid the generation of odor.

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